Welcome to Spirit Seeds!

A dynamic frequency Field of Alchemical Offerings to support your Journey of Soul Individuation and Integration.

The roots of this Field are steeped in the truth of what it means to be a Multidimensional Human, a remembrance of our inherent Power as Creator Beings, and the Soul Sovereignty that is our birthright.

It’s time to stop hating ourselves for being Human. That’s an old paradigm contrived to keep us from realizing and accessing our infinite capacity as Co-Creators of this 3D Earth Reality.

Those old thought systems are breaking down and falling at our feet in rapidly rising rubble piles. Now is the time to embrace our inherent gifts, as unique and diverse as fingerprints, lying in wait for the Muse within us all.

This Journey is a Sacred Pilgrimage where the sidewalk never ends, but travels in and around again, seeding lessons as we Spiral deeper INTO and BACK TO Wholeness.

I will walk this path with you.

All the way Home to your Self.

My name is Kelley Murphy, I am a Bridge Mystic ~ I help you connect to your Soul’s Truth, a Spirit Alchemist ~ I help you Individuate and Integrate your new Truth ~ and a Sacred Space Holder ~ I provide a synergistic Relationship as a Secure Vessel (healthy laboratory) for you to do this within as we learn and evolve together.

I invite you to expand with me through intimate, individual, relationship-based Journeys of Self, tailored to your unique constellation and openings for growth. We will partner with Spirit to Co-Create the life you were put here to live.

I am committed to supporting you in unfolding INTO the full expression and experience of your MULTIDIMENSIONAL human BEING.

With Radical Love~



My Offerings


    Opportunities to work with me individually. Group Journeys to come!


    Dynamic, alchemical oracle card readings to support your Journey.


    Intimate, nature-based weekly writing and process group. Limited to 8 participants.